Freedom to combats! Full-scale action adventure RPG.

Merveille Lotto

Merveille Lotto will be on sale for discount price, limited to 3 days!
Sales Period:8/2/2024 3:00 to 8/5/2024 2:59 (GMT)

Draw x11: 3,000 coins → 1,000 coins
Purchase the following Lotto with "Draw x11", and you can get at least 1 Memoire Aer!

- Memoire Aer (Expansion Avatar)
Wing of memory that shakes the soul of all living and dying things.

- Haine Merveille

- Regret Merveille

- Horreur Merveille

- Maschera / Visage (Face avatar)
Mask that is said to guide you to the labyrinth of closed mind.

Limited time only items may be sold again after the sales period ends.

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