Lionheart Lotto
Lionheart Lotto will be on sale for discount price, limited to 3 days!
Sales Period:1/24/2025 3:00 to 1/27/2025 2:59 (GMT)
Draw x11:3,000 Coins → 1,000 Coins
Purchase the following Lotto with "Draw x11", and you can get at least 1 "Weapon avatar" or "Expansion Avatar"!
- Lionheart (Weapon Avatar)
A champion’s sword that can only be mastered by the ruler, which has been passed down from many different generations.
- Emblem (Expansion Avatar)
An emblem that is said to flown to guide the people with the great power.
- Rune Empress / Rune Emperor
- Bose Empress / Bose Emperor
- Gaia Empress / Gaia Emperor
Limited time only items may be sold again after the sales period ends.
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