Freedom to combats! Full-scale action adventure RPG.

Update Info! Lv Cap 117 Released

1.Lv Cap 117 Released
2.New skills added
3.Skill Balance Adjustments
4.Equipment Added
5.Super high-difficulty content! "Mira-Garia Island"

■ Lv117 Cap Released
You will be able to raise your character to Lv117.
With the addition to the main quest and with the progress of the story, you will be able to visit new fields!

Izwe Lelabashi

Since it is close to the Wadhi the mountain of God, it's an area that is very dry. There are not many human beasts that come close, except when it's time for Wadhi to open.

Evehom Plains

It is said that there are mysterious monsters that are spawned near Wadhi.
Some say that it is only tradition here, but this is the land is where giant bones rises just like those remains.

In addition, field missions will occur in "Evehom Plains"!
Obtain Lv115 Weapon Iron Ore, Lv112 Armor Iron Ore, Ability bag as rewards.

Indawo Ebonv

It's a little known place for hunting for the human beasts, but sometimes the hunters come.
Since there are not many birds, there are a lot of insects that inhabit here and it is said that you can hear the sound of crickets chirping clearly. Also, on rare occasions, it is confirmed that there are original creatures that look like a pig and a spider combined.

Kushiruwa’s Territory

A zone where it is said that the end of the spirit, called the king of night lives somewhere close.
However, there are no reports of anyone that have seen the king of night.

Night Kingdom

The area where the King of Night supposedly lives.
It is known as an area where the sun never comes up, and where the night creatures lurk.

1.Lv Cap 117 Released
2.New skills added
3.Skill Balance Adjustments
4.Equipment Added
5.Super high-difficulty content! "Mira-Garia Island"

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